Wednesday, June 30, 2021

Be Yourself Even More!

This is so funny. But it's true.

Has it ever happened to you that some people do not like you just because you are being you?

It certainly has happened to me. 

There may have been times when you don't know that those people do not like you (especially if they talk about you behind your back). But when they say it to your face, then that's when you can know for sure, without having to guess.

In my life, there haven't been that many occasions when people say it to my face. But the one that lives in my memory so vividly and has taken me so much time trying to heal from is when my in-laws said it directly to me.

Being a Thai person in Thai society, there are certain rules are  a Thai lady, especially a daughter-in-law, 

Monday, June 28, 2021

I'm Exactly Where I'm Supposed To Be

This morning I woke up worried again. I'm applying for a green card for my husband. (I'm a US citizen.) And from reading up on it, I need to be able to sponsor him financially. 

However, my income in the past few years are wayyyy below the poverty line as specified by the US government ( And I have only been working in Thailand. I've heard that the sponsor needs to work in the US and pay taxes to the US government. I also have a condo in Thailand that my mom bought me about 5 or 6 years ago. Hopefully that would work. (I'm waiting to speak to my lawyer, who is very busy at the moment. My appointment should be in about 2-3 weeks time.) I do have relatives in the US, but none of them is willing to sponsor or co-sponsor my husband.

Seems like the problem, yet again, is money. 

We have been thinking of alternative ways. It would work if my husband applies for a job in the US and gets it before we move there. Perhaps he could get a work permit that way. OR I just have to become a very very successful blogger and make a lot of money within a year or two.

This morning I came across a facebook post by Ariella Iorio from the Done-For-You Services affiliate marketing program that I purchased a while ago. It says that:

"The minute you allow your mind to go to that place of concern, worry, afraid that it starts to build, you have to learn to catch your mind in that moment, catch your mind, and stop that negative direction with an immediate positive thought. Find something that you can grab, that is going on in your life that feels positive and uplifting. There is always always always something in your life to be grateful for. Find it, focus on it, think about it."


 So, immediately, I shifted my thought to be this one:

I trust that once I made up my mind and started walking on my divine path (which I'm doing right now by being who I am , unapologetically, through writing this blog), doors will start to open. I completely trust in the Universe that all is going to be fine. I'm exactly where I'm meant to be right now. There's no need to know all the answers right now. Then I think of the things that I'm grateful for. I'm so grateful that at least I have a place to live right now (at Wing 7 Air Force Base in Southern Thailand) and that I'm still healthy, safe from Covid, and that I have food to eat and clean water to drink and clean air to breath. 

Sunday, June 27, 2021

Where This Journey Has Taken Me


Welcome To My Blog

I'm creating this blog to document my journey to manifesting my dream life. It all started in early 2018 when I realized that I was becoming a mom. It seems that my "old self" was coming to an end and I knew that I needed to do something to make sure that my son will have a good future.

This journey has not been a simple or straight forward one, let's put it at that. It has even been painful and confusing at times, but I am determined to keep going, one baby step at a time, because I know that I'm always making progress. After all, I trust that ...

That's what I always tell myself when things get tough. 

But no matter what, I always feel grateful for everything that has come into my life -- both good and, well, not so good (trying to avoid using a negative word here!). Because I trust that everything happens for a reason. Nothing happens by chance. And it's all for our highest good, whether we know it or not at the time.

From the moment when my son was born (December 13, 2018) up until just last month (May 2021), for about 2 and a half years I've been focusing mainly on how to make money -- and lots of it. I have purchased countless programs and online courses that I feel could salvage me from my financial crisis and instantly make me a billionaire. But amidst all the frustration and the hecticness of being a full-time, stay-at-home mom, anyone who's a mom would know that it's almost impossible to focus on anything for more than about 15 minutes. So, I'd say that none of my ventures has taken off. However, I don't blame it on things outside of myself. I know what the problem is. The problem is that I cannot focus my energy and intention on just one thing at a time. I keep jumping from idea to idea, from project to project, and then keep going in circle. 

All these times I have been consoling myself with motivational and self-love quotes. I know that I'm meant for more, so much more, but I just don't know how to make it happen.

I have also consulted many psychics, fortune tellers, tarot card readers, and mediums. It always feel s good when you're talking to them, but then afterwards you're left alone again with yourself and you don't know where to start (again)! 

Until one day (April 26, 2021 to be exact), I came across a facebook group by Amanda Ingram-Cotton. This facebook group is called "Souls Awakening- Discover Your Soul Purpose". I really have to thank her. She's the one who awakened me to realize that it's ok to be me, with flaws and all. It's ok to accept myself as who I truly am. Because we're all divine beings in human bodies. And we each have a light shining very bright within.

I have come to realize that we're all here for a reason and we are magical. We CAN create the life of our dreams. However, we have to stop trying to find the answer from the outside. Instead, we must look inside, deep within our soul. That's where all the answers lie. We MUST connect with our Higher Self.

But how?? Well, that's what I'm doing everyday. And I'm documenting my journey here.

I have decided to pause my money-making venture for now and *stop* to really look deep inside my soul, heal all past traumas, and really ask myself what do I really want? 

I believe this is a journey of coming home to myself after years of trying to search everywhere for the answers. I want to know who I truly am at soul levels. There is so much wisdom there waiting for me to remember. 

I believe that along with knowing who I truly am, I will come to realize what my divine purpose is in this lifetime. And when I live my life true to my purpose, I have no doubt whatsoever that abundance in all areas will flow into my life. 

I am writing this blog mainly for me, so that I can always look back on this journey and remember how strong I have been and how far I have come. But if this blog inspires you in any way, I'd be so happy.

Tell me in the Comments! 💖💗💕